MVM Mortgage > About Us

About Us

MVM Mortgage > About Us

About Us

MVM Mortgage > About Us

About Us

Get To Know About Us

Few Words About Our Company

We are industry experts who can help our clients through the process of finding and securing the most suitable mortgage deal.


To be the best mortgage broker in our community by being the #1 essential
financing source for our clients and referral partners.


To be the most resourceful organization in the mortgage industry.
To promote the leverage of mortgages into building our wealth of life.
To be the top-of-mind choice for all their mortgage financing needs.


Total Approve Loans

RM mil+

Total Loan Approved


Happy Customers


Professional & Experts

Meet the Best Mortgage Specialists

Ken Lim


Kenneth Lee


Eric Yap

Director of MVM Brick

Chloe Lim

Relationship Manager

Ronald Sim

Wealth Manager cum Team Leader

Ki Kie

HR Account Manager

Lynnneve Chew

Team Leader

Raina Tan

Team Leader

Chris Hue

Senior Broker

Sharon Wong

Mortgage Broker

Joyce Lee

Mortgage Broker